The Notion of Motion |
The Solar Heating and Night Cooling of Surfaces |
The Study of Alternating Magnetic Fields |
The Violin Sound Post |
The Whispering Gallery Effect |
Quantifying the Effect of Skyglow on the Visibility of Stars |
Quantifying the Effect of Tungsten Illumination |
Radioactive Attenuation and the Inverse Square Law |
Ringing Saturn |
Ruben's Tube |
Safely Thawing Meat Used while Backpacking |
Saltwater and Sound |
Seebeck Effect |
Simulation and Animation of the n-Body Problem in Two-Bodies |
Singing Goblets |
Solar Tubes vs. Conventional Fluorescent |
Specific Heat in Materials |
Spectrum and Its Relationship to Temperature |
Standing Waves |
Stellar Parallax |
Study of the Force Generated from a Changing Magnetic Field |
Study of the Qualities that Determine Maximum CPU Cooling Efficiency |
Study of the Wavelike Properties of Light |
Sunderbans Estuary Simulated |
Super Sound Science |
Swing, Pendulum, Swing |
Tempest in a Teacup |
Testing Sound Decay in Different Gasses |
Testing Tesla |
The Effect of Shields on Beta Particles and Gamma Rays |
The Focalization of Sound |
The Franck-Hertz Experiment |
The Gauss Rifle |
The Greater Insulator |
The Greenhouse Effect |
The Invisible Force |
The Most Efficient Automobile Sunshade |
Tired of Noise |
Using Solutions' Absorbance Spectra to Predict Their Heating by Light |
Using Sound to Measure Temperature |
Viscosity and Volcanoes |
Wavelength Controlled Holographic Polarization |
What Didge You Hear |
What Do Lasers Go Through |
Which Insulating Sportswear Fabric Will Make Me the Happiest Camper |
Wood Business |
Zero Gravity Elevator Experiment |
181.4�C in the Sun |
An Analysis of Black Hole Thermodynamics |
Are You Hot and Attractive |
Blackbody Thermal Emission |
Brass Instruments and Artificial Lips |
Buoyancy 101 |
Can You Hear Me Now |
Catch a Wave |
Catching Rays |
Changing the Speed of Light |
Chemiluminescence |
Cold Nuclear Fusion |
Color vs. Heat Absorption |
Comparison of the Adhesion of Liquids on Regular Shapes |
The Comparison of Thermal Conductivity for Different Metals |
Cooler Roofing |
Cosmic Ray Shower Array Reconstruction |
Count on Calories |
Creating Electric Current with a Magnet |
Creating Sound with Heat |
Density's Effect on Amplitude |
Determining the Type of Particle in an Air Sample by Using Laser Light Scattering |
Direct Solar Pool Heater |
Do Acoustic Tiles Really Block Sound |
Does the Rate of Heating Have an Affinity for Salinity |
Does the Temperature of a Magnet Affect Its Strength |
Don't Wanna Have Cold Feet |
Doppler Effect and the Fiber Gyroscope |
Effectiveness of Recycled Materials as Thermal Insulation |
Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Plasma Arc |
Effect of Ammonia Gas on Copper Nanowire Sensors |
Effect of Bottom Reflectivity on Solar Pond Performance |
Effect of Color on the Characteristics of a Heat Barrier Material |
Effect of Electric Fields on the Heat of Vaporization |
Effect of Reduced Pressure on the Yield Volume of Popcorn |
Effect of Titanium Dioxide on Photovoltaic Cells |
Effect of UV Light on Depressions on CH Plastic Films |
Effects of Gases on Solar Water Heaters |
Experimental Investigation of High Frequency Plasma |
Exploring Evaporation through Colors |
Frequency Relationship of Notes in Musical Harmony |
Heat Transfer in an Incandescent Lamp |
Hiding In Plane Sight |
How Accurate Is Parallax |
How Do Different Color Filters Affect the Energy of a Laser Beam |
How Does Sugar Density Affect the Index of Refraction of Water |
How Do Various Nonwoven Medical Gowns Compare as Barriers Against UV Radiation |
How Fish Achieve Neutral Buoyancy |
How Low Can It Go |
How Temperature Affects a Magnet's Strength |
How Temperature Affects Magnets |
Insulation Value |
Kinetic Energy |
Light Reflection and Refraction off Liquids |
Liquid Light |
Liquid Viscosity and Temperature |
Little Color to Lighten the World Up |
Living Color |
Long and Short Wavelength Colors |
Magnetic Force |
Marvelous Magnetics |
Measurement of True Noon Time |
Measuring the Speed of Light |
Murray's Principle of Minimum Work |
Neuronal Nonlinear Dynamics |
Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems |
Observations of Gas in the Infrared Spectrum |